Another sad day… No Wii!


Today was supposed to be a very very good day because I was 99.9% sure I was going to get a Wii console. Instead my day ended up being a repeat of this past Sunday.


I woke up at 6:30am (so early!) along with my girlfriend and met up with a coworker/friend at work for 7:00am to drive down to the inauguration of a new “company x” warehouse not to far from my house. The warehouse opened at 8:00am and we got there at 7:45am. Knowing how many consoles would be available, we were confident we would have no problem getting it, especially since it’s the opening day and it opened 2 hours earlier. Who would show up right? Well, too much people! Once the doors opened we dashed towards the registers, we obviously knew the item number, and we’re told by the cashier that we needed a ticket and without it we couldn’t buy our Wii! A whattttttttt?! A ticket?!!? So we started running all over the place to find these damn tickets, of course we had no luck, until someone finally told us they had given them all out. We started crying like babies… not really. But we were extremely, extremely disappointed once again. We then walked to the front of the cashes and stared mindlessly at all the people purchasing our golden Wii, one by one. We couldn’t believe we lost our chance again and couldn’t get ourselves to walk out, we kept telling ourselves that there was still a chance someone wouldn’t buy it (ya right!).


After leaving we ended up eating breakfast at Zellers, which was surprisingly good for the price, and looked for our Wii in hope that they had received a shipment. I don’t need to tell you what the outcome was.


So that’s it. My backup plan failed and I am now totally out of luck. No Wii for me.


I will now go cry, cry and cry some more.



14 Responses to Another sad day… No Wii!

  1. […] Oh well! I do have a backup plan. Let’s hope it works! (Updated: Read this to find out if my backup plan worked!) […]

  2. sickr says:

    Seriously you better get a Wii before me or I can officially say you’re jinxed! :O

    But in all seriousness I know how stoked you were to get your hands on a Wii console so best of luck securing yourself one.


  3. sycho4u says:

    Hehheehehhe! You should have seen me and my friend running around. It was hilarious! Until we found out we couldn’t get the system. That wasn’t so funny… 😦

  4. RichyQc says:

    I can so feel you, I’ve been through the same thing on sunday and monday, I’ll go make a tour to future shop and Toy R us in Place Laurier tomorrow. I went to another future shop this afternoon and the clerk told me that he didn’t know when the next shipment would come 😦 and basically told me not to bother going around… 😦

  5. SyChO says:

    To: RichyQc

    Doesn’t this just suck?! lol!

    There might be some hope, the american websites are reporting that on “black friday” (no idea what that is) – But I know its this Friday – Stores should be receiving new shipments. Could that mean we would also be getting more here in Canada? I hope so!

  6. RichyQc says:

    Yeah it sucks, but I got lucky today, I got to EB games at 10h30 and the clerck was opening their shipment and they had 1 Wii left unreserved, so I got it!! Got really lucky! Afterward i went to Microplay to get Zelda, so I’ll be playing after lunch. You should try Toys R Us, when I passed by they seemed to have got a big shipment in their Gaming Zone, the guy at Toys R Us told me sunday that they would have a big shipment sometime before friday! Anyways good luck 😀

  7. sycho4u says:

    What the!!! Oh my god your lucky!!! I will check that out ASAP!

    Thanks for the info!

  8. Please could someone tell me if there is going to be a shipment around these days?, i need help i am not from canada and i asked my brother to buy it for me (he lives there), so there’s almost no way i can get one just asking him, what could u recommend me to do?, i have been there in canada but i dont really know all the places or stores that possibly have one wii… i told him to go to walmart or eb games… if someone knows something please tell me…

  9. slappypappy says:

    Hey yall canadian bacons listen you bitches don’t need wii’s as for your story dumb ass you dont deserve to get a wii how could you not figure out you needed a golden ticket willy wonko . So buy form me at ebay , selling for 300.00 CD shipping form nigeria . slappypappy123 at ebay. WESTSIIIIIDEEE NUckka.

  10. sycho4u says:


    Your nuts Slappy.

    As for you Twisted,

    Try Bestbuy, Futureshop – These are the two main electronic stores in the country. Also Toys’r’us, Circuit City, Radio shack, Compusmart, Ebgames/Gamestop.

    I got mine at BestBuy and according to many people in line you were able to find out the day or two before when they would be receiving a shipment and how many.

    Hope this helps!

  11. yeah thx man i’ll try that, slappy go and f… well u know, thx anyway… i’ll tell ya all later if i get one… see ya!

  12. sycho4u says:

    Sounds good Twisted.

    The system rules and make sure you get Zelda!!!

  13. Antibush says:

    Bush goes ballistic about other countries being evil and dangerous, because they have weapons of mass destruction. But, he insists on building up even a more deadly supply of nuclear arms right here in the US. What do you think? Is killing thousands of innocent civilians okay when you are doing a little government makeover?
    Our country is in debt until forever, we don’t have jobs, and we live in fear. We have invaded a country and been responsible for thousands of deaths.
    We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!

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