Nintendo Wii Sensor Bar Demystified –

November 21, 2006

Wow… who would of thought!

If you want to know what I’m talking about, click HERE!


*I’m not in the mood to type or edit articles anymore, I just posted 4 things in a row.

Another sad day… No Wii!

November 21, 2006


Today was supposed to be a very very good day because I was 99.9% sure I was going to get a Wii console. Instead my day ended up being a repeat of this past Sunday.


I woke up at 6:30am (so early!) along with my girlfriend and met up with a coworker/friend at work for 7:00am to drive down to the inauguration of a new “company x” warehouse not to far from my house. The warehouse opened at 8:00am and we got there at 7:45am. Knowing how many consoles would be available, we were confident we would have no problem getting it, especially since it’s the opening day and it opened 2 hours earlier. Who would show up right? Well, too much people! Once the doors opened we dashed towards the registers, we obviously knew the item number, and we’re told by the cashier that we needed a ticket and without it we couldn’t buy our Wii! A whattttttttt?! A ticket?!!? So we started running all over the place to find these damn tickets, of course we had no luck, until someone finally told us they had given them all out. We started crying like babies… not really. But we were extremely, extremely disappointed once again. We then walked to the front of the cashes and stared mindlessly at all the people purchasing our golden Wii, one by one. We couldn’t believe we lost our chance again and couldn’t get ourselves to walk out, we kept telling ourselves that there was still a chance someone wouldn’t buy it (ya right!).


After leaving we ended up eating breakfast at Zellers, which was surprisingly good for the price, and looked for our Wii in hope that they had received a shipment. I don’t need to tell you what the outcome was.


So that’s it. My backup plan failed and I am now totally out of luck. No Wii for me.


I will now go cry, cry and cry some more.



PS3 eBay X-Mass Rush! – Big money!

November 21, 2006


As most of you are aware, there was a huge listing on eBay for PS3 consoles that were being sold for thousands of dollars to the highest (and richest!) bidder. Where those auctioneers failed was in their timing. Although this was the launch weekend and pretty much every hardcore Sony gamer wanted one of these suckers and wanted it right away. The real money will be made a few days before X-mass, approximately on the 21st and 22nd of December, because these individuals had enough brains to wait to sell their black gold. They clearly realized that a few days before the fat man arrives on the 25th, desperation will overtake every wealthy parent on this planet. These parents will practically sell their maids (most likely) to anyone willing to give their precious PS3 in exchange.

Therefore I have two comments I would like to make. For those who plan on waiting and selling it right before X-mass, you guys are brilliant. As for those who will purchase it out of total panic, you guys are complete suckers!



Sony planned the PS3 shortage as a marketing strategy –

November 21, 2006

Pénurie de consoles: «Sony a tout planifié»(Link) is the title of a French article written for a Montreal newspaper editor. It essentially describes the rarity of the console as a brilliant marketing strategy employed by Sony, in order to further increase demand for it.

I am guessing that the writer is totally unaware of Sony’s manufacturing difficulties and simply linked its lack of supplies with a good way to create more enthusiasm and demand. I for one think Sony simply messed up real bad and won’t be able to catch up until they deliver the killer aps such as MGS4 and others currently in the works.


What do you guys think?

Gamers wipe out supply of Nintendo’s new Wii –

November 21, 2006

An interesting article on how well Nintendo did on its launch day in North America seen through the eyes of CNN. There is also a video titled “PS3 vs Wii” which is worth viewing, the link is on the left hand side.

Go read it! :
