Wii is High-Def according to a Zeller’s ad – Canadian Store

November 9, 2006

I was looking at a flyer I received today where both the PS3 and the Wii were advertised and the description for the Wii was quite surprising. The very first line states the following: “Unleashing the new generation in high-definition entertainment!” (yes, even the exclamation mark!). So, does Zeller know something we don’t? Or are they completely off? I know the Wii will support 480p, but is there something more?

Also, for all the canucks out there who don’t have the moula to purchase the PS3, Zellers has a no-payment for 12months deal with any purchase over $499. This of course won’t apply to Wii owners unless they purchase all their accessories and games with the system and up their overall cost.

I tried to take pictures of the ad but let’s just say I wasn’t very successful. 😉

Here they are!

