PS3 | Euro Launch a failure!


If you haven’t heard or seen the pictures of the abysmal midnight launch of the PS3 in Europe, then here are some pictures taken from a French gaming site. Also, joystiq had this to write:

“Apparently the gloves are off in Europe, and it seems to be working. At French events, one store sold 50 consoles out of 1000, and another store sold 300 out of 1000. At the massive under-attended event at the Eiffel Tower, where they were told to expect 3000 people, roughly 40 people turned out … security was still turning people away without invitations. One unlucky gate crasher said, “I came from the suburbs, perhaps they don’t like my face.” At least the French are brutally honest.”

Just to let you know, this was 5hours before the midnight launch at a major gaming store in France.

The only guy there 4hours before the launch!

and finally… some XBOX360 LOVE!

Gooooooooooooooo Wii360!

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