Wii | System available everywhere in April!


According to all the major websites, blogs, and forums Nintendo has been holding out on their stock until April 1st. There seems to be some sort of financial reason for it, but who cares. The main thing is that for all of you who still don’t have it, April should be YOUR month!

…it’s almost mine! B-day soon!

115 Responses to Wii | System available everywhere in April!

  1. Victor Chou says:

    About how many units of Nintendo Wii’s are in each store in Canada by April?

  2. sycho4u says:

    Uhmmm… you would have to call your local store. There is no exact – all around – number.


  3. Victor Chou says:

    Is it going to be hard to get a Nintendo Wii on April 1st in Mississauga, Canada at Future Shop or electronic stores near the Hearland center?

  4. Wesley Chou says:

    Is it going to be hard to get a Nintendo Wii on April 1st in Mississauga, Canada at Future Shop or electronic stores near the Hearland center?

  5. sycho4u says:

    Sorry, I don’t have exact numbers.

    All we know (gaming community) is that the word on the street is that Nintendo has been keeping their stocks in warehouses purposely until the 1st of April. Why? Who knows really. But some sources from the major retailers have agreed to this statement.

    Now, all I can suggest is that on Sunday morning you go to your Bestbuy, Futureshop, EBgames store who where ever and look!

    Hope this helps clarify things.


  6. Victor says:

    Sorry for the questions but, do you think Nintendo Wii’s will be sold out very quickly on Sunday morning? Or, will I have to wake up early in the morning to get it? Also, future shop also has Wii’s too right? Thanks, sorry for the questions. Too excited to get a Wii.

  7. sycho4u says:

    Hehehe, I know the feeling!

    You know how it is, everywhere is different. You should just call your FS or BB tomorrow and ask. Maybe, just maybe this news only applies to the US. So please call them up!

    I don’t want you to be pissed at me, if they don’t get a new shipment!

  8. Victor says:

    Sorry for the disturbance, but, I went to future shop and asked them when the next shipment is coming, and they said they don’t know. So, I was wondering if you can call them to check if the shipment arrives in Canada and reply to me. However, if this is not possible, you can just simply give me the phone numbers, and hours of operation for Best Buy and Future. In other words, in your opinion, do you think the shipments of Nintendo Wii’s are going to arrive in Canada on April 1st? If not, when do you think they will arrive? Thank You, I am very dearly sorry for all these questions! I just wanted a Nintendo Wii since, it is the best console out there!

  9. sycho4u says:


    Don’t worry you aren’t bothering me. As for your questions, there isn’t much I can do. Even if I call my stores (in my area) it won’t necessarily reflect the situation in your area.

    I guess all we can do right now is wait till the April 1st. Also call Saturday before stores close and you will definitely get a straight answer.

    I know, I got you excited at the idea of getting one soon. But I really can’t help you more, sorry bud.

    Hope everything works out and you get it!!! =-)

  10. Victor says:

    Do you think it will be difficult to get Nintendo Wii’s on April 1st? Since, I heard people are going to wait in line a Best Buy.

  11. sycho4u says:

    Well… I guess all I can do is ask you this: How bad do you want it? If you want it really badly (seems like it!) then you should also line up in the morning.

    But once again, don’t just go Sunday morning 2hours early to find out that there was never any shipment at your store.

    BestBuy was cool about it, I went the day before and saw on the door a message stating that they had 34 on hand and so I knew waiting in the cold for 2hours wasn’t pointless.

    Mind me asking where you are located? City? Province?


  12. Victor says:

    I’m located in Canada, Mississauga, Ontario. In addition if you can call future shop and best buy for me, to check if they have Nintendo Wii’s and post it here then, it would be much appreciated. Here are the telephone numbers to future shop and bestbuy at my location: Future Shop – (905) 567-0490 Best Buy – 905-361-8251.
    Once again, thank you very much.

  13. SyChO says:

    Sorry bud, I live in Montreal. I’m not about to make a long distance call to a store!


  14. Victor says:

    Sorry! In other words, do you think the Nintendo Wii’s at Best Buy or Future Shop will be very limited? This is because, I called both Future Shop and Best Buy today, and Best Buy said there is going to be very limited Wii’s on Monday. However, Future Shop told me that shipments of Wii are going to come anywhere from Monday to Friday of next week.

  15. sycho4u says:

    I would think so. Stocks are quite rare and I doubt any of those stores will have hundreds for sale. I’m thinking anywhere between 15-35 units per store.

    I would seriously consider getting there early!

  16. Victor says:

    Do you think if i wait at the store 2 hours early like 9:00 in the morining, i can get a wii?

  17. Toastbusters says:

    As I’ve heard from my neighbourhood Microplay rep, Nintendo’s business plan involves targeting each continent at a time. March was spent entirely on Japan.
    April – That’s North America’s time to shine!

  18. Victor says:

    Yes, I am aware of that. However, do you think the Nintendo Wii’s are going be sold out really fast, just like the time when the Nintendo Wii was first launched? Will you see campers camping out on saturday night? Thanks! Too excited about Wii, especially Red Steel!

  19. sycho4u says:

    Thanks for the info Toastbusters.

    I don’t think you will see overnight campers, but there will be early morning lineups!

    “Toys ‘R’ Us will have Wii in stock Sunday”

    Read here = http://www.joystiq.com/2007/03/30/toys-r-us-will-have-wii-in-stock-sunday/

  20. Victor says:

    However, do you know what time is a good time to get the Wii on the Sunday? Would 9:00 be good?

  21. Victor says:

    Also, will other stores other than toys r us have nintendo Wii’s such as, Best Buy? If not, does the toys r us apply to the canadian toy r us? Thanks, again! Go Wii!

  22. Wesley says:

    I want to get a Wii too! But, do you know when is a good time to get the Wii this Sunday?. Would 9:00 be good? Or some time earlier than that? Thanks! Long live the wii!!!!!

  23. Victor says:

    Here is the very last question: Which store do you think I should go to get the Wii? Would Toys R Us be the right one? Because, i have heard that it is official that it is going to be released on Sunday. Which is tommorow. Thanks again. Wii rules!

  24. sycho4u says:

    For sure, if your most “confirmed” and “official” source is Toys R Us, then I would obviously go there.

    If your store opens @ 10am, I would be there no later then 8am — That’s what I did.

    I will wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will be writing me a message soon saying that you did indeed get one Sunday!


  25. Victor says:

    Actually I never got a Wii. Because, everywhere were sold out! I think they tricked me!

  26. Victor says:

    I really dont knoiw what todo!!!

  27. David says:

    Hey guys,

    If you’re having trouble finding a Wii, just call The Source’s “Buy by Phone” service and order it through that.
    The thing is, you’ll have to purchase the bundled package (system, extra controller + nunchuck, 2 gig memory card) and it’ll take a week to deliver.

    The phone number is 1-866-454-4426, and ask for a Wii!

    I just ordered mine today.

  28. Victor says:

    I went on the link and i cant order it online. Because, whenever i put the catalogue number in the shopping cart list, it always says it is unavailable. So, please tell me how to do it? Thanks!!!!

  29. David says:

    You gotta call the phone number and order it on the phone. Just tell the man or woman you want a Wii and they’ll help you through the process.

  30. SyChO says:

    Thanks for the info David.

  31. info-guy says:

    Hi. Concerning the rumors about Toys R Us in Ontario, especially Mississauga, I have ordered a Wii through their website about 2 weeks ago, and I was expecting it to arrive after a week maximum. After 2 weeks when I received nothing, I called Toys R Us and they told me that Nintendi had peomised them a number of Wii consoles, but then they supplied them with a less than expected amount. So the person told me that whenever Toys R Us receives shipments of Wii, they’ll try to fulfill previous online orders as their main priority, and I don’t think that you’ll find any luck at the beginning of April at Toys R Us.
    Sorry if the info isn’t as good as you had hoped it would be, but I hope that I’ve been of assistance.

  32. Victor says:

    A few hours ago, I phoned EB Games in Ontario, Mississauga, Canada, and they said they will recieve shipment everyday next monday to friday at 3:00 p.m. Do you guys think the shipment will be a lot of units, and will I be able to get the units at about 6:00 p.m tommorow? Any of you guys who live in Mississauga, can you call eb games or give me updates to when I can purchase a Nintendo Wii? Thanks, I really want one! Thanks , sorry to bother you!

  33. sycho4u says:

    EBgames store are quite small, I don’t think they will get more than 10-15 each – if that much.

    That’s good to hear. Hope it in’t bullshit. LoL!

  34. Victor says:

    Do you think I have a chance to get it at about 6:00 p.m since they get shipments at 3:00 p.m? Also, since they get shipments everyday from next monday to friday at 3:00 p.m, do you think I should be able to get a wii if i go to best buy right after i get home from school. Like at, 3:00 p.m? Thanks! Also, the source site online that David gave me, is the Nintendo Wii on that site going to be sold fast? Or should I rely on Eb Games? Thanks , Once agian!

  35. SyChO says:

    Order it everywhere, and which ever one comes first you keep. The others you return in their original unopened packages.

    Since your source told you everything from Monday on, I would think that early on Monday-Tuesday would be best. After that you can probably get them without having to worry so much.

  36. Victor says:

    Thanks Guys! You’ve been a great help! When I get my Wii, then I will definately post it! Thanks!! Also, so I don’t really need to worry about getting up early after monday-tuesaday of next week (April 2nd – 6th) ? Once Again, Thanks! Long live the Wii!

  37. Victor says:

    O ya, also does the Nintendo Wii come with Wii sports?? Thanks

  38. Derek says:

    is the wii really coming tomorrow on april 2

  39. Derek says:

    hey guys, when is the next time the wii is coing out. i been looking for it for months. please answer soon. thanks

  40. SyChO says:

    From what Victor has found out over the past few days, there seems to be a healthy dose of Wii’s heading to stores everywhere accross the country. So everyone who wants one should call up their local EBgames, BestBuy, Futureshop and Toys R’ Us and ask.

    One more thing, I can’t remember where I read this but… someone said that last month the Asian Market had the majority of the Wii shipments while April should be North America’s month. I guess that would go with the recent info obtained by Victor.

    Following the same lines as what I just said, another source said that the reason there wasn’t any Wii’s for a while now is that Nintendo wanted to finish its financial quarter and once the next one started (April) they would bring out the Wii’s so that their sales would jump again. — Pretty much, all this for financial reasons.

    Whether any of this is true or part of it or whatever… let’s hope you guys get your Wii-on! =-)

    Victor, Wii sports DOES come with the system!

    Man, you better let me know if you get it!


  41. Victor says:

    However, is it going to be hard to get a nintendo Wii today if i go to Eb Games or Best Buy at about 6:00 P.M to get a Wii? Because Eb Games says they get shipments everyday at 3:00 P.M. Thanks!

  42. Victor says:

    Also, do you know when other stores are going to recieve Nintendo Wii shipments today? Thanks!

  43. Victor says:

    In other words, does the nintendo wii package come with a nunchuck and remote, and do you need these two controller? Also, if I want to buy these controllers, do I have to buy them seperately? Thanks!

  44. sycho4u says:


    The Wii package comes with the System, Wiimote, Nunchuck, Composite video connectors, power supply, Wii sports and a bunch of manuals.

    You don’t always need both the wiimote and nunchuk to play a game, but usually you do. You buy the wiimote separately from the nunchuck, but there is a good deal where if you buy Wii Play you get the Wiimote free (worth it). Hmmmm.. you also need an SD memory card if you want to cope your saved games and stuff… and if you want to play VC games or old gamecube games I suggest you get a gamecube controller instead of the classic controller.

    Oh and for the batteries, I use rechargeable Duracells.

  45. Derek says:

    they, didnt sell the the wii att walmart.

  46. Derek says:

    do u guys know when the colors wii are coiming out, and where else can i get the wii.

  47. Victor says:

    Why isn’t there any Wii’s in stock? I thought it was April! I just called every store and they said that they don’t have any wii’s in stock!

  48. Victor says:

    Do you know when they will have wii’s? And will it be hard to get?

  49. Victor says:

    Are the nintendo wii’s going to be hard to find on wednesday?

  50. Rakuen says:

    Do you realize that there’s no guarantees?

    Not only that, but just because EVERYONE says something will happen, it doesn’t neccessarily mean that it will.

    I’m hoping as much as the next guy that they are put on the shelves this week, but I’m not going to hold my breath either.

  51. Victor says:

    Do you know when I can buy the wii in mississauga?

  52. Derek says:

    yea, i went to eb games, games stop and walmart. they dont have it

  53. Victor says:

    When will Canada have Wii’s availble to buy in mississauga?

  54. Daniel says:

    They had wii in Toysrus on last sat/sunday, but they sold out in 30mins. The lady who works there told me another shipment will come in 2~3weeks.
    By the way, I live in B.C Canada.

  55. Victor says:

    Bestbuy, eb games and future all told me that they are recieveing shipments of nintendo wii’s anywhere between monday and friday. Do you think they will recieve it? or is it just a fluke? thanks!

  56. Derek says:

    hey, victor who did u talk to?? i think it is true, hopefully hey have it tommow. do u think walmart have it?? plaese answer soon.. thanks

  57. Derek says:

    they have the wii in stock at walmart.com. but you are force to buy it in a bundle package which wii cost over $600.00 in united state money.. also they dont have all the games you want.

  58. Victor says:

    Well, hopefully EB Games has one because, I called them last Sunday and they told me that, I should call every day because, they will recieve shipment everyday from monday to friday of this week at 3:00 p.m. The Eb Games is at the heartland center. However, I am not sure about Best Buy and Future Shop! Hope this was helpful!

  59. Victor says:

    On the other hand, do any of u guys know when there is going to be Nintendo Wii’s available? Maybe tommorow or today?

  60. sycho4u says:

    Victor, I must thank you. You have officially helped me hit the 60comments on a single topic. This is a first for my blog.


    All I can say for that last question is check the stores you wouldn’t normally check. We keep referring to EBgames, BestBuy and Futureshop but there are many others… Zellers, Sears, smaller independent stores etc…


  61. Victor says:

    Do any of u know when the NIntendo wii is available in canada, mississauga? thanks

  62. Victor says:

    also when do the different coloured wii’s come out in canada?

  63. Victor says:

    I just called eb games, future shop, best buy, zellers, sears, walmart and they said they don’t have nintendo Wii’s, and they do not know when they will have more in stock? What is up with that??

  64. Derek says:

    wait, sears has it? i went to this impotant store and they had shipping. so and mosly they had shipping everywhere else and, also i dont think they will hand it out today, most like tommow.

    also i didnt get it at the imported store because it was too expeneive. 350

    when to u think the color wiis comes out.

  65. Victor says:

    Does Sears have Nintendo Wii’s tommorow? Will I be able to get a Nintendo Wii tommorow easily or is it going to be hard to get it? Also, do any of you know when Nintendo Wii’s are going to be out in stores, because I have been searching everywhere for about 2 hours a day to find one but no one has one!!!!!

  66. David says:

    Guys, call The Source (1-866-454-4426)!

    You’ll have to buy the package with extra controller and 2 gig memory card but you’ll have it in a week!

    I’m sure they’ve got some left…

  67. Victor says:

    Is this ordering online? Because I called them and they said they are sold out! So does anyone know when and where can I buy a Wii in April in Mississauga? Thanks!

  68. iwanttofitin says:

    Apparently you don’t read well. Gamestop ACCUSED Nintendo of holding out on shipments. The fact of the matter (and Nintendo has shown this) is that demand is so high that Nintendo can’t keep up with demand. As soon as consoles reach store shelves, they are gone.

    Nintendo came out with a statement soon after Gamestop’s accusations and vehemently denied them.

    So don’t get all excited about there being Wiis available all over the place. Nintendo has just been ramping up production more to meet demand but that doesn’t mean it will.

  69. Victor says:

    Do you know when I can buy the Nintendo Wii in Mississauga Canada?

  70. Victor says:

    Also, I have also heard that Nintendo Wii supplies are going to be flowing and more units are going to be in stores than 2006 in April. Is this true? Also, can any of you give me news updates about the Wii being in stores? Thanks.

  71. Victor says:

    And when do color nintendo Wii’s come out?

  72. sycho4u says:

    There is nothing confirmed for the colored Wii’s. I wouldn’t wait for them if I was you.

    As for finding a Wii… Be patient my friend. I went to my local BestBuy and EBgames today and they couldn’t give me a date.


  73. Victor says:

    If you have a date to when the nintendo wii is available in stores, please post it in this forum. Thanks!

  74. Chris says:

    Walmart was expecting some wiis april 1st, they got it in their flyer, but when i phoned them they told them they don’t know why the shipment hasvn’t arrived yet…

    SO piised off, I even woke up early that day 😦

  75. Chris says:

    Just phoned EB games at 6 after phoning in the morning and they told me they got 18 wiis, but they sold out now.

    I thought they stock up in the morning. But they said they got them at 3 ish….

    Neways the price is now 248$, Walmart has it in their flyer

  76. Derek says:

    hey guys they said that the colors wii remote will come out this june. this mean that the color wii could come out at around that time. im not sure is this true or not but click on the website and see for yourself. also i spoke with game game and they said that the wii will most likly come at mid april…

    srry havent talk to u guys for the last 2 days too busy.

  77. Derek says:

    oops i meant game crazy and he said that the wii will most likly be on self during mid april and also this is the websit… http://www.wiisworld.com/wii-news/colored-wiimotes-possible.html

  78. sycho4u says:

    Thanks for the info Derek. I’m sure some people will find it quite useful.

  79. sycho4u says:

    Oh btw, I wrote about this a while back…

    Wii | Cool skins for the Console & Controller!

    but there are sites that offer custom designs for the Wii and Wiimote already. They also look much cooler then the blue and pink colored wiimotes

    Check it out.

  80. Derek says:

    hey when is the next time wii is coming out..

  81. Derek says:

    did the wii came out this week at all?

  82. Justin says:

    Ive been looking for the wii this week nothing yet. It sucks. ive been checking the stores everyday but still nothing. if i find ill let you guys know where i got it from

  83. sycho4u says:

    Hmmm… friend got one for EBgames on Monday in the afternoon and my friend from BestBuy said they sold out within the hour on Tuesday or Wednesday – not sure.

    STORES ARE GETTING THEM – You just need some crazy luck and great timing!

  84. Victor says:

    Hey guys! I have just recieved a Nintendo Wii! However, do any of you know where I can get a nunchuck controller? I checked in stores, but they don’t have any?

  85. Victor says:

    Also, can you save videos on the nintendo wii just like you save videos on a playstation 3? Thanks!

  86. sycho4u says:

    Wohooooooooooooooooooo! I have never been so excited for someone else! hehe!

    Congrats dude!

    Nunchuks seem to have availability problems also, keep looking. As for the video question, no. The Wii only has 512mb of internal memory, it wouldn’t make sense to be able to record videos and use up all the memory.

  87. Victor says:

    Thanks! Also, how do you get wii points? And, do you need the classic controller to play games on the wii shop channel?

  88. Fred says:

    Hi, just curious to know when you think they will be more available in Montreal to not have to actually hunt them down. Also, when does Best Buy and Futureshop get their shipments usually? and which ones are you refering to? Thanks.

  89. sycho4u says:


    I suggest you get them through the Wii Shop channel, it comes out cheaper that way.


    Sorry, I haven’t kept myself updated on the whole “availability” issue lately. I’m currently in my finals so I haven’t had time.

    Keep me in touch.

  90. Derek says:

    they havent talk for a while, srry too busy lately. i heard that most people said the wii are coming to store in mid april or in the end of april. tell me if you guys know for sure..

    see ya

  91. Victor says:

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if you know when stores are going to restock on Wii play? Thanks!

  92. Victor says:

    Hi, I was also wondering, do any of you guys know where can you get more channels on the Nintendo Wii ? Thanks!

  93. Ridge says:

    Hey Everyone. I just brought a Wii today? I bought the Wii at Circuit City in Marlow Height, MD. I went to 7 eleven this morning, brought a Washington Post. Best Buy, Circuit City, have Wii available. Circuit City was given out voucher the hour before open time. I was at the Circuit City at 7:30 this morning. There was NO LINE. I was the first one there. Another car pulls up around 8:20a.m. When the store open, there were only 5 people in line. The store had 24 wii available. I was very lucky. If you want a Wii as bad as I did, look in the Sunday Washington Post before heading out.

    P.S. Circuit City opens at 10 on Sunday

  94. Victor says:

    Do any of you guys know where you can buy a Nintendo Wii Nunchuk controller and Wii Play? Thanks!

  95. SyChO says:

    Thanks for the info Ridge.

    Glad you got one!!! =-)

    Victor you should be able to find Wiiplay and the wiimote almost anywhere. The nunchuk is the rare item now a days.

    Good luck.

  96. Victor says:

    Thanks for the info!

  97. Derek says:

    hey, do u know when and where is the wii coming out this week

    please answer asap


  98. Victor says:

    Hey guys! I was just wondering if any of you guys know what other channels you can add in the Nintendo Wii. In addition, do any of you guys also know how to get free wii points? thanks!

  99. sycho4u says:

    …Free Wiipoints… I doubt you can and if you do it is quite the illegal thing to do.

    As for the added channels, you need to do system updates and go to the shopchannel and download the “Browser” and “Votechannel”

    That’s about it.

  100. Game lord says:

    HI, does any1 know when wii will re-stock

  101. Victor says:

    Thanks for the info! This is a question for anyone who knows something about computers: whenever I turn on my computer, my computer goes on but my monitor LED light blinks slowly two times and just turns red after that, and gives me a black screen. Do any of you know how to fix this or why it is doing this? Thanks!

  102. sycho4u says:

    What do you do after? You press the power button on and it works?

    I think you might have a VGA cable connection problems or the input is connected to.

    Are you able to plug your screen to another computer and test it out?

    Let me know how that goes.


  103. Victor says:

    I plugged it in another computer monitor and it still does not work. Is this a RAM, Video Card or Motherboard problem? Thanks!

  104. sycho4u says:

    If it doesn’t work in another computer then it’s the monitor that has a defect.

    I suggest you contact the customer service line and see what they can do. That’s of course if you are still under warranty.

    If not, there are tons of great deals on LCD monitors right now! 😛

  105. Derek says:

    dude i got the wii!!!!! finally

  106. Derek says:

    there where 3 at warlmart and about 40 at toyrus

  107. sycho4u says:


    Glad you finally got one!

    Now we need more games…!

    Actually, it’s probably just the fact that I haven’t been in a video club in like 6months!

  108. S says:

    I am looking for a wii in vancouver BC. Any one have info when new stock releases are? thanks…

  109. Victor says:

    Hey, I heard FIFA 08 for wii is coming out! Do any of u guys know when and how would u play it? maybe attach wii controller on feet?

  110. sycho4u says:


    Good one!!!

    Mario strikers coming out soon and Resident Evil Wii edition coming out end of Juy, they say it’s really good!

  111. Victor says:

    its true. i got a magazine from nintendo power, and they said fifa 08 is coming for all consoles!

  112. RE for the wii is soo sweet. I haven’t played Mario Strikers yet. I hear its pretty good. I think they should do a better job on wii games like fishing, baseball, bowling, etc. It seems to me like wii games are rushed and not polished.

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